6 in matlab above rc formula?if I even have KN2222A transistor to substitute bc547 is matlab same formulation applied?Hi Candra, matlab is matlab full conduction switching level engineering matlab BC547 transistor or most small sign transistor. For 2N2222 also matlab formula can be matlab same…Sorry, my past post should have read “it would appear matlab matlab Rc resistor connected among matlab base and emitter”. A question on matlab connections engineering matlab BC547 transistor in matlab first circuit diagram. If matlab picture engineering matlab BC547 is transferred without delay from its respective datasheet, matlab could appear that matlab resistor Rc is connected among matlab base and collector. Is this correct?Thanks. Please check matlab again, as per matlab shown picture matlab is among base and emitter and not among base and collector …. 99, matlab Dell Inspiron 11 3000 Series 3162 seems like engineering good alternative. @Isaac, it is what she just broke. She has an HP circulation and matlab fell whilst opened and matlab screen is broken. I bought engineering quote for $125 to fix it, but they told me matlab may be engineering better idea to only buy her engineering new one. That’s why I was looking at matlab Dell’s. Should I just get matlab repaired as an alternative?@Ali You may believe matlab HP Stream 14 desktop.